יום שני, 19 בדצמבר 2011

I saw white angels passing through my house

I saw white angels passing through my house

Many people told me of their astonishing experiences after Yael's book had been published in Hebrew. They had read mine in owe, and rewarded me by entrusting their wonderful stories with me for safe keeping: Not imaginary tales but things that really happened to them.
Some had visitations from their deceased loved ones. Some experienced other marvelous occurrences. Those kind of stories are not to be told casually, in an off hand manner. There has to be a special place and circumstances to bring them out. Some are entangled with much pain, and are treasured because they carry the memory of their loved ones.
Most people wanted reassurances that what they saw, or heard, were really what they had hoped they would be.

"I saw white angels passing through my house"… I heard a young woman's voice on the receiver. This was the first telephone call I received after Yael's book had been published in Hebrew. I will name this young woman Iris. So Iris went on, "I know what you are talking about".
I could hardly believe my ears, and Iris probably sensed it "I am not a weirdo… I am not disconnected from reality," she apologized, and as if to emphasize that, she explained "I was about to be Yael's neighbor in Barkan… the very thought that I get to know her only now, after her assassination, gives me the goose bumps…"

"What do you mean by 'angles'? How do you know?" I really could not hide my astonishment. I was already experiencing The Magic, yet I sill found it hard to believe.
"Well, let me tell you my story and you'll tell me what they were", she didn't wait for my approval and carried on swiftly:

"My brother was dying from cancer… during the last two days of his life, he was in a strange semi-consciousness and talked to what seemed to be invisible creatures. Our mother was next to him :'Step aside, mother' he told her, 'you are disturbing me…'  then he talked as if  to her, but when our mother answered, he told her: 'No, not you… I have another mother talking in my ear… You are in the way Mum, you're disturbing; I can't hear very well what all these people here are telling me. They are talking to me…'

At the last night Iris's mother convinced her daughter to leave the hospital and go back home. 'At least one of us will have a good night's sleep', so Iris went home.

She threw herself on the couch in the living room and fell asleep. In the middle of the night she was awakened by low whispering voices, and saw white glowing creatures walking to her brother's room and coming back with what seemed to be glowing packages.
She was dumbstruck, frightened to death, and could hardly breath or make a move. Iris watched those figures disappear through the shut front door and the place turned silent again. Then the phone rang.
Her mother, who found Iris wide awake, told her that her son, Iris's brother has passed away.

"So you see", said Iris, "I think I saw angles in my house, but what did they do?"
"I think they came to take your brother's spiritual possessions from his room", was my first explanation, "or they wanted to let you know that you are a medium... You can 'see'… I myself can't…".

I want to see like Iris did , but I can not.


As you see in my site, a few months after I became a medium, I suddenly, unintentionally, also turned into a channel for healing powers.
More people called and asked for help. Well, as much as I wanted to, I could not help everybody, and that frustrated me: "Why was I given these powers, if I can not help all who address me?" I wandered.

But now I think I found the way and I have the courage to lay my cards flat open on the table.
I know that there is life after death. I have the proofs.
The comprehension that there is another existence after death, gives me a lot of power. I feel invincible through the power of that knowledge.

This is how I understand the gift and I would like to share this awesome truth with as many people as possible, because it also brings serenity.
By resonating the powerful vibes of tranquility we can enhance and enrich that pure power and bring it into our lives.

I also understand that our daily mission is simply to Be Happy. To enjoy the down to earth pleasures we can extract out of beautiful shape, color and fragrance as well as the joy that only a flesh and blood can experience like love, taste, music a and rhythm.

I also know that healing energy passes through me, as well as through others. It cures and eases pain. It is not I who 'claim success', but people who get it tell of balls of energy that passes through their bodies, others feel currents, or engulfed by placid tranquility which leaves them relaxed and painless.

But I can not help my mother, who is a cancer patient. I pass her energy, but it helps only for a few hours: I can only make small magic for her, what about the  MAGIC? The big one? Where is the ultimate cure? Why can't I reverse the illness?
You see, I carry my doubts with me. I am looking for The Truth.

I've asked Yaeli, my late daughter, in a channeling.
I was sitting in the hospital next to my mother, who was getting her chemotherapy.
I was writing and she lay with her eyes shut.

"How does the healing work, Yaeli?" I asked, "When I send healing, or when I give it to a person close to me. How does this work?"
"The energy pulsate. The waves penetrate right to the receptors of the nerves, and disconnect them temporarily. You know there is continuity in the frequency of the energy. It pulsates after you've stopped. We are still there after you leave".
"And why can't I stop the cancer?"
"Can you erase the wrinkles off her face? Can you turn the cycle of life?... We can stop it sometimes; stop the development of the cells, turn the cycle of life to that which was before the illness, but these instances are rare. Do not forget that the human makes its own choices during his/her lifetime, or even before it had began the current life. The soul brings with it some choices and assignments. Therefore we can not always reverse everything".
"Can you stop the pains for grandma?"
"Really? Or is it just my own wishful thinking?"
"We will try".
"What do I have to do?"
"Give her healing today".
"No not here, later tonight".

I did. My mother slept better that night, but her pains resumed early in the morning.

Well, even a few hours without a painkiller are some improvement, but I wanted the big one.
I am still waiting.


By publishing Yael's book in English I have completed a fourteen year's journey. I released it, so that her voice would now eco loud and clear.
Maybe the Magic will be enhanced now too.

I may not find an answer to all questions. We do not know everything. Part of the beauty our human existence is that we keep on learning, evolving. This is our privilege.

Look for the Magic, it is there all around you

Good Luck and God Bless,

We are in Yael's and Nomi site http://www.mylifeisbasedonatruestory.com/


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